Friday, February 3, 2012

February 30-Day Challenge: 3rd Daily Photo

Just down the road from us there are some fabulously coloured government apartments.  Unfortunately they're being torn down to make way for a new highway.  Make way for progress!  It doesn't take long before buildings get torn down in Singapore.

Brighter than your average apartment

About 85% of Singaporeans live in similar HDB apartment blocks (HDB - Housing and Development Board) and the racial quotas are strictly controlled to avoid enclaves dominated by a single nationality. To rent them you usually need to meet strict criteria in terms of income ceilings, age, family status etc as they're usually significantly cheaper than condo-living.

We live in a condo (an apartment complex with facilities such as a tennis court, swimming pool etc), but having seen an example of a really great renovated apartment, we're contemplating moving out to save the extra money for fun things like travel.  It's a big decision because we love our apartment.  Maybe I'll post a photo of it over the next few days and you'll be able to understand why.

I'm enjoying my daily photo challenge so far (early days, day three).  I'm carrying my camera with me where ever I go hoping to find an interesting snap to share with you all.

How are you going on your 30-Day Challenges?