Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 30-Day Challenge: 12th Daily Photo

Today we redeemed our extremely generous birthday gift of two iFly virtual skydive vouchers.  In a word, AWESOME!  Thanks Car and Luuk!!

The 'dive' is actually on some extremely powerful fans which blow you upwards.  It was surprisingly difficult to get the perfect position - one leg or arm out of place or too bent or too straight and you were whizzing all around the capsule.  On my last dive the instructor linked up with me and took us both whirling into the air, spinning round and round, up and down... the grin on my face went from ear to ear and I couldn't help but let out some very loud 'woo hoo's!  Yes, what a nerd.

Unfortunately our cameras were locked away during the 'dive', but we got this one of Sander practicing his technique afterwards.  The capsule we were in is behind us.

Singaporeans, you should definitely give it a go:  iFly Singapore, $79 for two 'dives'.

Remember to bring covered shoes (otherwise they make you hire them) and $2 for the lockers (seriously, surely they could provide that for free??).


  1. Oh my gosh! That sounds so fun George. I would love to try that!

    1. Oh yeah, it was awesome! I've got a long way to go before I start barrel-rolling though...
